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The objective of this project is to analyze how altering a paper airplane changes its performance.  We will change both the weight of the paper used as well as the drag of the plane.  We will see how this affects both the distance and speed of the paper airplane.

Anchor 1

We believe that there will be a “sweet spot” in the amount of drag in regards to the distance flown.  With respect to velocity though, the higher drag will cause a decrease in the velocity.  As the weight of the plane increases, it will increase both the distance and velocity of the plane since it will have more potential and kinetic energy.


Data Collection

​test we will measure the total distance the

plane flies as well as the average velocity in the first meter of travel.  Distance will be measured where the plane hits the ground.  Velocity will be measured by using a GoPro to take slow motion videos of the first meter of travel.  We will see how many frames it takes to travel one meter and divide that by the frame rate to find the time it took.  Dividing one meter by the time will give us the average velocity of the first meter of travel.


We will also use the velocities measured above to find the relationship between drag and velocity.  We will compare this to the drag equation shown in the Analysis section below.


We will use the same launcher system to compare the paper weights to speed and distance.  The same measurement tools will also be used to find distance and velocity.  We will compare three different weight papers.  These will be regular printer paper, construction paper, and cardstock.  We will use a scale to measure the weight of each plane.  We will take 10 samples of each weight.  Note: The elevator flaps will remain at 0° during weight testing.


Data Predictions

Points of Further Study

During testing, flap angle increments will need to be drastic enough to see difference in distance/velocity plots. Until testing begins, we cannot be sure what increments will be needed to see said results. In addition, the method of changing the cross-sectional area (which affects drag) may need to be altered. For example, a consistent angle for the flaps may be chosen, however, the size of the flap may be changed physically with various cuts.

We still need to find consistent way of “launching” paper airplanes with precise velocity. We plan to make an air track launcher to accelerate the planes before flying through the air. However, this may not work smoothly because the accuracy of this method may be low.


We will need to know the initial velocity at which the plane is launched. To find this out we will be using a video shot with a high frame rate (60fps) to take the average velocity across a distance. Depending on results, higher frame rates may be needed to provide a more accurate reading of velocity.


Plane design will be kept constant throughout tests, but further testing will be needed to discover which design will work best for this experiment. Once a consistent way of “launching” the planes is found, we can run preliminary tests to ensure that the plane design we choose to use will give us consistent and accurate results.

Click Graphs to Learn More!
Null Hypothesis: The velocity of plane is not affected by elevator flap angle.
Alternative Hypothesis: The velocity of plane is affected by elevator flap angle.
Null Hypothesis: The distance traveled is not affected by the weight of the paper used.
Alternative Hypothesis: The distance traveled is affected by the weight of the paper used.
Null Hypothesis: The velocity of the plane is not affected by paper weight.
Alternative Hypothesis: The velocity of the plane is affected by the paper weight.
- Distance vs. Rear Elevator Flap Angle
- Velocity vs. Rear Elevator Flap Angle
- Distance vs. Paper Weight
- Velocity vs. Paper Weight
- Drag vs. Velocity

We will collect data by having the paper airplane be thrown with consistency.  This will be done by creating a launching system out of a physics air track and air cart with a mount on top to hold the plane. We will shoot it off a table top. We will alter the drag of the plane by changing the rear elevator flaps in 30° intervals from 0° to 90° (Figure 1).

Figure 1:

The Drag is affected by the rear elevator flaps, which can be seen above

These will be measured with a protractor.  We will take 10 samples of each angle. On each


Distance vs. Rear Elevator Flap Angle

Null Hypothesis: The distance traveled is not affected when flap angle is changed.
Alternative Hypothesis: The distance traveled is affected when flap is angled.

velocity vs. Rear Elevator Flap Angle

Null Hypothesis: The velocity of plane is not affected by elevator flap angle.
Alternative Hypothesis: The velocity of plane is affected by elevator flap angle.

Distance vs. Paper Weight

Null Hypothesis: The distance traveled is not affected by the weight of the paper used.
Alternative Hypothesis: The distance traveled is affected by the weight of the paper used.

Velocity vs. Paper Weight

Null Hypothesis: The velocity of the plane is not affected by paper weight.
Alternative Hypothesis: The velocity of the plane is affected by the paper weight.

Drag vs. Velocity

Null Hypothesis: The drag on the plane is not affected by the velocity of the plane.
Alternative Hypothesis: The drag on the plane is affected by the velocity of the plane.

Points of Comparison

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